Deep root fertilization helps restore trees, shrubs, palms, or any other plants that are declining in health. This type of fertilization involves releasing fertilizer deep in the soil near the tree’s roots giving the tree direct access to the nutrients in the fertilizer.
Why do we need to Fertilize?
Conventional yard care includes raking up fallen tree leaves in the fall. Unfortunately, this takes away nutrients that the tree would obtain from the leaves decomposing . If trees don’t have the right balance of nutrients, they may decline in health. Some signs your tree or plant is declining in health include: slow growth, smaller or fewer leaves, leaves falling or changing color too early, or if the leaves at the top of the tree start to die and fall off. Any of these signs could indicate your tree is lacking the nutrients it needs to be healthy.
How is Deep Root Fertilization applied?
Deep root fertilization is a process where organic based fertilizer is injected into the root zone of trees. The goal of deep root fertilization is to deliver nutrients and food directly to the roots of the tree. Using high-pressure equipment and a special injection wand, tree care professionals are able to release the fertilizer deep in the soil around the target trees and plants. In addition to delivering the fertilizer deep in the soil where the tree needs it, deep root fertilization is much more efficient than surface fertilization which often results in run-off and dilution before reaching the plant’s roots.
Professional Deep Root Fertilization vs DIY
Many people believe that they can fertilize their own trees, however, a basic fertilizer will not yield the same results as deep root fertilization. Surface type fertilizers are often “watered into” the soil. This means people use sprinklers, hoses, or rainfall to help it soak into the soil. Depending on the size of the tree it may be possible for the surface fertilizer to reach the tree’s roots through watering. In addition, accelerated or over watering could wash the fertilizer away meaning the nutrients never reach the roots of your tree or plant. Deep root fertilization on the other hand eliminates the possibility of run-off or dilution.
Best Times of Year to Fertilize?
Trees and plants lose the most nutrients during the summer. The ideal times to do deep root fertilization are in the spring before summer and in the fall after summer. You can do deep root fertilization treatments either once or twice per year. Fertilization in the spring and fall will ensure your trees and plants obtain an optimal balance of nutrients and give them the best chance of survival through the winter.
Jones Road Tree Service provides deep root fertilization to trees, shrubs, palms and other plants. If your plant is declining in health, call or email for pricing and availability.