Tree Health Care

Tree Health Care in Houston, TX

ISA Certified Arborists, Trusted by Your Neighobors

As trees and shrubs mature, following a proactive maintenance plan will help ensure the plant’s continued health and longevity. Depending on the age and species, an aging tree will gradually weaken due to decay and general decline.  Prior to pruning or feeding a mature tree, it is important to consult with a professionally qualified arborist to evaluate the structural integrity of the tree and identify any defects or signs of decay.

Many problems related to pests and decay in older trees can be prevented by following good tree health care practices. Improper use of lawn equipment, sprinklers, fertilizers, pesticides and mulch can cause damage to the tree and open the door for rot, pests, bacteria and fungi.  A common issue we see over and over in landscaping is the practice of turbo mulching or placing a large mound of mulch around the tree’s trunk. Over mulching causes excessive moisture retention around the tree’s trunk leading to premature decay.  It also creates a favorable environment for harmful pests and can also promote a shallow root system.

Jones Road Tree Service LLC has a certified arborist on  staff to assist our clients with the health of  trees at all stages. We can send our arborist to your location to discuss tree health care options including deep root fertilization, air spading to reduce soil compaction and the safe use of pesticides and fungicides. Whenever possible, we recommend and use green or bio-friendly options. Our arborist is licensed through the Structural Pest Control Board of Texas and is certified by the International Society of Arboriculture.

If you have a sick or declining tree or simply want to consult with a professional arborist regarding your tree’s health, please contact Jones Road Tree Service today by filling out our online Tree Services form or call us at 281-469-0458.